奥本 AI 将所有的最新 AI 聚合到了一起,为您开启多模型 AI 绘画新时代!



6 个月前


Gemma2–2B 是一颗冉冉升起的新星,它超越了175亿的竞争对手。以下是如何在您的电脑上本地运行它的方法。

金质奖章记录 — 由作者修改自


那里有一个新的模型。低于30亿参数是我测试过的最好的! Gemma2 总结,提出新话题,提出问题,并提供基于真实的回答。可以像多语者一样切换语言,并保持对话流畅进行。 谷歌在人工智能领域一直是先锋,开发了多种在不同任务中表现出色的模型。在他们最引人注目的创造中,我们必须提到BERT(双向编码器表示从变换器)。这种开创性的模型在推进自然语言理解方面发挥了重要作用。BERT能够双向处理文本,同时考虑前后文,显著提高了其在各种自然语言处理任务上的性能。 BigG 已经探索了变换器架构,试图从编码器和解码器模型中榨取最佳性能。 最后一个出生的,并且具有开放权重的是Gemma 2。它是几天前才出现的,并且已经

breaking all the records

感叹号! * 这个生成式人工智能拥有26.1亿参数,足够小,可以在任何消费级硬件上运行 * 即使在仅使用CPU的情况下,您也拥有不错的速度 * 8k tokens的上下文长度使我们能够进行RAG(Retrieval-Augmented Generation,检索增强生成)、上下文学习以及思维链 * 能够相当流利地说多种语言:英语、意大利语、法语、德语



在Gemma2系列中,该模型没有系统提示。 在这篇文章中,我们将学习如何在您的个人电脑上完全运行这个拥有20亿参数的模型,不需要API调用,也不需要互联网连接。 一个功能强大的人工智能,免费安装在你的笔记本电脑上!

Gemma2 在您的笔记本电脑上 — 图片由




released Gemma 2

,一种新的同类最佳开放模型,具有270亿(27B)和90亿(9B)参数规模。 自首次亮相以来,27B模型迅速成为排名最高的开放模型之一。

LMSYS Chatbot Arena leaderboard


但Gemma不仅仅是关于性能。它建立在负责任的人工智能基础之上,优先考虑安全性和可访问性。 为了支持这一承诺,我们在7月31日收到了一个令人兴奋的公告:Gemma 2家族新增了三个成员,对我们来说是免费的: 1.

Gemma 2 2B

  • 我们广受欢迎的20亿(2B)参数模型的全新版本,具有内置的安全进步和强大的性能与效率平衡。 2.


— 一套基于Gemma 2构建的安全内容分类器模型,用于过滤人工智能模型的输入和输出,确保用户安全。 3.

Gemma Scope

  • 一种新的模型可解释性工具,为我们的模型内部工作原理提供了无与伦比的洞察力。

这张图表显示了从最新的Gemma 2检查点开始的性能以及基准预训练指标。从


Gemma 2B:人工智能的小巨人

让我们开始大声说出来:Gemma 2B 是一个口袋大小的强大设备,正在撼动人工智能世界。 这款Gemma家族的最新成员虽然体积小巧,但性能出色,令人印象深刻。 建立在负责任的人工智能基础之上,Gemma 2B 不仅仅是关于原始能力;它是关于利用这种能力做好事。谷歌已经融入了最先进的安全特性,以确保 Gemma 2B 不仅智能而且安全。 几天后,那些家伙在


成功实现了不可能的事情!刚刚发布的Gemma-2 2B在聊天机器人竞技场超越了所有GPT-3.5模型看这个!一个2B参数模型超越了GPT-3.5(175B+参数)——几乎难以置信。

Gemma 2 2B:2亿参数模型在聊天机器人竞技场上的表现超过了GPT-3.5。来自


有关于本地运行Gemma2 2b - fabiomatricardi/Gemma2-2b-it-chatbot


https://github.com/fabiomatricardi/Gemma2-2b-it-chatbot)> 请注意,Streamlit 1.36.0 不支持 Python 3.10 及更早的版本。 ```

create a new directory

mkdir Gemma2-2b

browse the new directory

cd Gemma2-2b

Create a virtual environment

python -m venv venv

Activate the venv (on windows)

venvScriptsactivate ```

一旦激活了venv,我们就可以安装包:我保留了功能所需的最小集合(图形界面、计数令牌和速度)。 pip install streamlit==1.36.0 llama-cpp-python==0.2.85 tiktoken

现在唯一缺少的部分是模型:我使用了托管在Hugging Face上的模型。

Bartowski repo

我们在名为model的子目录中保存模型。 请注意,如果您克隆

my GitHub repo

你已经找到了为你创建的模型和图像的子文件夹,但你仍然需要自己下载GGUF文件。 您可以从那里下载它

HF page model card

点击 gemma-2–2b-it-Q5_K_M.gguf 下载按钮图标 或者从终端 wget https://huggingface.co/bartowski/gemma-2-2b-it-GGUF/resolve/main/gemma-2-2b-it-Q5_K_M.gguf -OutFile model/gemma-2-2b-it-Q5_K_M.gguf

我们都准备好了。 基本推理

在任何 llama-cpp-python 模型调用的核心,实际上只有3行代码。其他一切都是微调和接口。 我们导入了库 from llama_cpp import Llama

我们加载模型(我使用了多行以便于阅读,但它可以是单行)。 llm = Llama( model_path='model/gemma-2-2b-it-Q5_K_M.gguf', #n_gpu_layers=0, temperature=0.24, n_ctx=8196, max_tokens=600, repeat_penalty=1.176, stop=['<eos>'], verbose=False, )

最重要的参数包括 model_path(模型路径)、n_ctx(模型的上下文长度)和 stop(一个令牌或单词列表,用于避免模型生成无限序列……)。 最后我们调用推理:有几种方法可以调用生成。如果你有一个聊天模型,你会使用 create_chat_completion 方法,但基本的 __call__ 也是可以接受的。 主要的区别在于,对于聊天完成,模型将自动应用官方分词器中的聊天模板格式,在 __call__ 方法中,您必须相应地正确格式化提示。 让我们来看一下。 使用聊天完成进行推理


fficial documentation for llama-cpp-python,

但是为了简化,你需要类似这样的东西: print(llm.create_chat_completion( messages=[{'role':'user','content':'What is Science?'}], stop=['<eos>']))


the standard chat template format

您可以在这里阅读更多信息: [聊天模型的模板]


Hugging Face

https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/main/chat_templating)我移除了所有其他调整参数,比如temperaturerepeat_penalty,但我保留了stop(见上面的注释)。代码将打印一个特殊对象,而不仅仅是回复。让我们来看一下: {'id': 'chatcmpl-1b0f37ba-c6e0-4f04-ad65-ae16417b460a', 'object': 'chat.completion', 'created': 1723417873, 'model': 'model/gemma-2-2b-it-Q5_K_M.gguf', 'choices': [{'index': 0, 'message': {'role': 'assistant', 'content': "Science is a systematic and organized way of understanding the world around us. It's a process of asking questions, gathering evidence, and forming explanations based on that evidence. Here's a breakdown of what science is: **Key Characteristics:** * **Empirical:** Science relies on observation and experimentation. It's not based on faith or personal beliefs. * **Objective:** Scientists strive to be unbiased and avoid personal opinions influencing their work. * **Testable:** Scientific claims must be falsifiable, meaning they can be proven wrong through evidence. * **Replicable:** Experiments should be repeatable by other scientists to ensure the results are reliable. * **Predictive:** Science aims to make predictions about future events based on existing knowledge. * **Dynamic:** Science is constantly evolving as new discoveries are made and existing theories are revised. **What Science Does:** * **Explains the natural world:** Science seeks to understand the laws that govern the universe, from the smallest particles to the largest galaxies. * **Develops technologies:** Scientific discoveries often lead to new technologies that improve our lives. * **Addresses societal issues:** Science plays a crucial role in solving problems like climate change, disease, and poverty. * **Promotes critical thinking:** Science encourages us to question assumptions, analyze evidence, and develop logical reasoning skills. **Different Branches of Science:** Science is not a single field but rather a vast collection of disciplines, each focusing on a specific area of study. Some examples include: * **Physics:** The study of matter, energy, and their interactions. * **Chemistry:** The study of matter and its properties. * **Biology:** The study of living organisms. * **Astronomy:** The study of celestial objects and phenomena. * **Geology:** The study of Earth's physical structure and history. * **Psychology:** The study of the human mind and behavior. **In Conclusion:** Science is a powerful tool for understanding the world and solving problems. It's a process of continuous discovery, driven by curiosity, observation, and critical thinking. Let me know if you'd like to learn more about a specific aspect of science! "}, 'logprobs': None, 'finish_reason': 'stop'}], 'usage': {'prompt_tokens': 13, 'completion_tokens': 454, 'total_tokens': 467}}

llama-cpp-python 的文档将输出对象描述为


read the docs

要访问我们所需的文本,我们需要一些路径查找能力。因为我们需要消息内容,我们向后查找父元素,看起来像这样: print(output['choices'][0]['message']['content'])

这将给你一个更好、更美丽的文本: ``` Science is a systematic and organized way of understanding the world around us. It's a process of asking questions, gathering evidence, and forming explanations based on that evidence.

Here's a breakdown of what science is:

Key Characteristics:

  • Empirical: Science relies on observation and experimentation. It's not based on faith or personal beliefs.
  • Objective: Scientists strive to be unbiased and avoid personal opinions influencing their work.
  • Testable: Scientific claims must be falsifiable, meaning they can be proven wrong through evidence.
  • Replicable: Experiments should be repeatable by other scientists to ensure the results are reliable.
  • Predictive: Science aims to make predictions about future events based on existing knowledge.
  • Dynamic: Science is constantly evolving as new discoveries are made and existing theories are revised.

What Science Does:

  • Explains the natural world: Science seeks to understand the laws that govern the universe, from the smallest particles to the largest galaxies.
  • Develops technologies: Scientific discoveries often lead to new technologies that improve our lives.
  • Addresses societal issues: Science plays a crucial role in solving problems like climate change, disease, and poverty.
  • Promotes critical thinking: Science encourages us to question assumptions, analyze evidence, and develop logical reasoning skills.

Different Branches of Science:

Science is not a single field but rather a vast collection of disciplines, each focusing on a specific area of study. Some examples include:

  • Physics: The study of matter, energy, and their interactions.
  • Chemistry: The study of matter and its properties.
  • Biology: The study of living organisms.
  • Astronomy: The study of celestial objects and phenomena.
  • Geology: The study of Earth's physical structure and history.
  • Psychology: The study of the human mind and behavior.

In Conclusion:

Science is a powerful tool for understanding the world and solving problems. It's a process of continuous discovery, driven by curiosity, observation, and critical thinking.

Let me know if you'd like to learn more about a specific aspect of science! ```

这种方法是可行的,如果模型(比如 Gemma2–2B)在分词器中设置了聊天模板。 使用普通调用方法进行推理

有时候你不能使用聊天模板(模型没有附带一个分词器聊天模板)。在这些情况下,我们使用一个普通的生成调用。 我们已经有了所有适当的格式化提示的解释:

提示格式 — 来自截图

model card




official model card




  1. 观察:科学家首先观察自然现象,收集数据。
  2. 假设:基于观察,提出可能的解释或假设。
  3. 实验:设计实验来测试假设,收集更多数据。
  4. 分析:分析数据,验证假设是否成立。
  5. 理论:如果假设得到验证,形成理论,进一步指导未来的研究。


prompt = """<start_of_turn>user What is Science?<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model """

我们使用较小的输出长度(250)进行生成调用。 out = llm(prompt,stop=['<eos>'],max_tokens=250) print(out)

您可能也注意到这里的输出是一个复杂的对象,与之前的略有不同,尽管如此: ```

print(out) {'id': 'cmpl-fd4b82fa-dbe1-4447-b070-813e3c2f94c1', 'object': 'text_completion', 'created': 1723419513, 'model': 'model/gemma-2-2b-it-Q5_K_M.gguf', 'choices': [{'text': "Science is a systematic and organized approach to understanding the world around us. It's not just about facts, but also about: Key Characteristics: Empirical Evidence: Science relies on observations and experimentation to gather data and test hypotheses. Testable Hypotheses: Scientific theories are well-defined, testable ideas that can be verified through research. * Peer Review: Scientific findings are rigorously scrutinized by experts in the field before being accepted as valid. * Falsifiable: Scientific theories are open to being disproven by evidence. This is a crucial part of the scientific process, as it allows for continuous improvement and refinement. * Objective & Transparent: Science strives for objectivity and transparency, using clear methodologies and data to avoid bias. What Science Does: Explains Natural Phenomena: Science seeks to understand how the universe works, from the smallest particles to the largest galaxies. Develops Technology: Scientific discoveries often lead to technological advancements that improve our lives. Predicts Future Events: Based on existing knowledge, scientists can make predictions about future events and phenomena. * Addresses Societal Questions:* Science plays a crucial role in addressing societal", 'index': 0, 'logprobs': None, 'finish_reason': 'length'}], 'usage': {'prompt_tokens': 13, 'completion_tokens': 250, 'total_tokens': 263}}


请注意,从这个对象中,您还可以看到为什么文本被截断的原因……‘finish_reason’: ‘length’。看起来250个标记对于Gemma2来说还不够! 要仅访问文本,你现在可以猜测我们需要做类似这样的事情: print(out['choices'][0]['text'])

它会很好地展现出来 ``` Science is a systematic and organized approach to understanding the world around us. It's not just about facts, but also about:

Key Characteristics:

  • Empirical Evidence: Science relies on observations and experimentation to gather data and test hypotheses.
  • Testable Hypotheses: Scientific theories are well-defined, testable ideas that can be verified through research.
  • Peer Review: Scientific findings are rigorously scrutinized by experts in the field before being accepted as valid.
  • Falsifiable: Scientific theories are open to being disproven by evidence. This is a crucial part of the scientific process, as it allows for continuous improvement and refinement.
  • Objective & Transparent: Science strives for objectivity and transparency, using clear methodologies and data to avoid bias.

What Science Does:

  • Explains Natural Phenomena: Science seeks to understand how the universe works, from the smallest particles to the largest galaxies.
  • Develops Technology: Scientific discoveries often lead to technological advancements that improve our lives.
  • Predicts Future Events: Based on existing knowledge, scientists can make predictions about future events and phenomena.
  • Addresses Societal Questions: Science plays a crucial role in addressing societal ```

最终应用程序 Streamlit 应用程序

我设置了一个Streamlit应用程序,它使用了上述描述的所有基本概念。 如果您需要代码的逐步解释,您可以在本文中使用相同的方法: 外星人工智能就在我们中间



https://blog.stackademic.com/oute-worlder-ai-are-among-us-28c85884e036)基本结构是相同的,差异是在前几节中讨论的那些。 要使用Streamlit应用程序,您还需要从仓库下载所有图片(并将它们放入images子文件夹)——如果您已经克隆了仓库,它们将自动下载。 有两种版本(一种支持GPU,另一种不支持)


.py 仅适用于 CPU)。要运行它,请在激活了 venv 的终端中启动: streamlit run stappFULL.py

小巧、强大、可靠 — 图片由




Small Language Models

20个月。有新演员和老可靠的资深演员。 尽管“小”的概念可能有争议,但我相信在30亿参数中有一个软点,即速度、准确性和可用性之间的完美平衡。 我的第一位英雄是


: 我还在等待 llama.cpp 的一个好更新,但他们正在处理(目前你已经可以使用 llama-cli 运行 t5 系列了)。我的第二个老兵是





so good you cannot believe it

! 但是与 Qwen2 家族的 128k 相比,上下文窗口现在太窄了。


Qwen 0.5b是我的晚跑者,但毫无疑问,他们的表现仍然准确且令人惊叹。


H2O最新诞生的产品速度极快且精确,但审查过度。 但是Gemma2-2B绝对是迄今为止最好的小型语言模型。团队

DeepMind Safety Research

